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Paul Ryan: I’d like to see Chris Christie run in 2012

Written By photo 7 background picture on Friday, September 2, 2011 | 9:55 AM

In an interview with CNN Thursday, Republican and tea party favorite Rep. Paul Ryan said he had no regrets in his decision to stay out of the presidential race, but that he’d like to see his friend, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, run. “It is not too late” for Christie to jump into the race, Ryan said.

Ryan confirmed he and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who also has repeatedly said he will not seek the Republican nomination, spoke this summer about the presidential sweepstakes.

“We did talk a couple of times. We know each other, and we have talked a little bit over the phone just about the state of the country.” He declined to talk details but said he would like to see Christie run.

Sigh. You and so many others, Congressman.

But while Ryan has shut the door on a presidential bid in 2012, he seems considerably more open to the possibility of filling the No. 2 slot on the GOP’s ticket in 2012.

“It is something that is out of my control. It is somebody else’s decision, and right now I have decided whether it is Senate or president I think I can make a big difference for people in Wisconsin, for my kids, for my fellow countrymen as chairman of the House Budget Committee which has a big role in all of this.

Here’s the vid: